You may find that there are fields in the system or that exit, or that you have created that you would like to display or arrange differently on certain entity forms in your system. You may also find that there are fields you don't use that you would like to hide. CRM allows you to make changes to the way information is displayed by using the form editor. You can also create different forms for the same entity and make those forms available to all users or use security roles to make forms available to specific staff members. The steps below show you how to add or remove fields on an existing entity form.
Determine where the changes should be made and open the Form Editor
Depending on whether this is a temporary change or one that you would like to make more permanently you can make form updates in different places. Click here to view steps for deciding where to make the changes.
Add a field by selecting the tab/section where you want the field to appear and double click on the field. You can also drag the new field and drop it into the desired location.
Move a Field by selecting the field in the form and dragging it to the new location.
To Remove a field click on the field and select Remove in the top toolbar.
**Note that this does not delete the field or the information. It simply hides the field from view on the form.
Click Save and then Click Publish.
Once all records are where you want them click Save in the top ribbon tool bar. Once it is available click Publish and wait for the pop up to disappear before closing the window.