Sections in this category

Create a Meeting

The Meeting Entity contains information about your Meeting Event and provides links to Registration Fees, Activities, Sessions, and can also use a Form to provide additional information. The following screenshots will give you descriptions of the fields available on the Meeting Entity record.

For an overview of Meeting setup, see the video below.

(Note: This video utilizes an older version of the Cobalt Product; please keep that in mind when reviewing this video.)

1. Accessing the Meeting Entity

In order to access the Meeting Entity, open up the Cobalt Events App from the Apps Screen.

Once in the Events App, navigate to the Meetings tab on the left-side Sitemap in order to access the Meetings Entity.

2. Meeting Setup

In order to create a new Meeting, select the New button on the sub-grid that opens up after navigating to the Meeting Entity.

4. General

  • Name - This required field is the display name for your Meeting.
  • Begin Date - The Begin Date and time for the Meeting must be set to specify when the Meeting begins.
  • End Date - The End Date and time for the Meeting must be set to specify when the Meeting ends.
  • Full Day - Toggle Yes or No for full or partial day Meetings.
  • Subject - Can be set to specify the subject matter of the Meeting; otherwise leave as Default.
  • Organizer - This lookup field can be linked to the user that is organizing the Meeting.
  • Order Source - Set this to Default Meeting so that the system will require the completion of the Registration in order to process payment.
  • Eligible for One Click Registration - Click Yes to allow people to skip the full Registration process. This can only be done for Meetings where there is a $0 Registration Fee, and no Meeting Activities.  To go through the full Registration Wizard and collect Payment and/or additional Registration details, leave this set to No.
  • Revenue Recognition - Set a date here if you plan to recognize revenue from Meeting and Activity Registrations at a specific time. If no date is set, then the revenue will be recognized as people pay.

4.1. Location

  • Location - Give a name for location of the Meeting.
  • Street 1 - The first line of the street address for the location.
  • Street 2 - The second line of the street address for the location (if applicable).
  • City - The city for the location.
  • State/Province - The state or province for the location.
  • Zip/Postal Code - The zip/postal code for the location
  • Country - The country for the location

4.2. Portal

  • Publish to Portal - To display this Meeting on the Portal, select Yes. To hide the Meeting on the Portal, click No.
  • Preview Summary  - Place text if you want a brief description to appear on the Portal.

4.2.1. Outside Provider

  • Outside Provider - If the Meeting is hosted by a provider outside of the organization and you will not be collecting Registrations, set this to Yes.
  • Provider Link - Provide the link to the outside provider website where people will go to register for the Meeting.
  • Provider Message - Include detailed instructions or information about this Meeting and the Registration process.

4.3. Registration Dates

  • Begin Date - Date and time people can begin registering for the Meeting.
  • End Date - Date and time when Registration for the Meeting will be closed.

4.4. Registration Rules

  • Allow Group Reg - Set this to Yes if an end user can register for themselves and/or others. If each person should only register individually, then set this to No.
  • Allow Proxy Reg - Set this to Yes if an end user can register others without creating their own Registration. If a person cannot register others, without first having a Registration, then set this to No.
  • Invitation Only - Set this to Yes if you do not want this Meeting to be available for view by all end users. You will need to set a query on the Meeting Record to specify who can see the Meeting if you set this to Yes. This field defaults to no since most Meetings are open to all end users.
  • To set the query for an Invitation Only Meeting, click More Commands (...) > View Query.

4.5. Maximum Capacity & Waitlist

  • Max Registrations - If your Meeting can only accommodate a certain number of Attendees, set that maximum attendance limit here.
  • Max Companions - If your Meeting can only accommodate a certain number of Attendees, set that maximum attendance limit here.
  • Allow Waitlist - If you have a maximum number of Attendees and want to allow for a Waitlist set this toggle to Yes. Otherwise leave it as the default No.
  • Auto Promotion Cutoff - A Date field where you can tell the system to stop automatically moving people from the Waitlist to the Attendee list when spaces become available. You can still promote people on the Waitlist after this date but will have to do so manually.

4.6. Edit/Cancel Registration

  • Edit Deadline - Set a deadline for customers to edit or cancel Registrations through the Portal. If left blank, the edit link will appear through the Begin Date of the Meeting. If set in the past, then the link will never appear to edit or cancel the Registration on the Portal.
  • Cancellation Refund Deadline - If there is an End Date for when refunds will be granted you can set that date here. With no date set, refunds will be granted as long as the Registration is available.
  • Non-Refundable Cancellation Product - If you have a single Cancellation Fee you can set the product here. If you have variable Cancellation Fees you will use a sub-grid on another section of the Meeting record.

4.7. Sub-grids on the Meeting Setup

Meeting Registration Fees - This sub-grid looks for Registration Fees that are associated with a Meeting. You can also edit or create new/multiple Registration Fees. If you would like to learn more about Meeting Registration Fees, please read the Meeting Registration Fees and Registration article.

Meeting Cancelation Fees - This sub-grid looks for Cancelation Fees that are associated with a Meeting. You can also edit or create new/multiple Cancelation Fees.

Tags - This sub-grid looks for Tags that are related to the Meeting, to help filter and sort Meeting search results on the Portal.

4.8. Description

  • Description - Give a full description and Meeting details here.  This will appear under the Description tab of the Meeting details page on the Portal.
  • Location Description - Provide details about the Meeting location to appear under the location tab of the Meeting details page on the Portal.

5. Activities and Classes

5.1. Waitlist Config

  • Waitlisted Can Register for Activities - Set this to Yes if you want to accept Meeting Activity Registrations for Waitlisted individuals. Set this to No if you do not want Waitlisted individuals to register for Activities.
  • Waitlisted Activity Payment Required - If you accept Waitlisted Activity Registrations, you can set whether or not Payment for those Activities will be required when people register.

5.1.1. Sub-Grids on Activities & Classes

Activities & Sessions - This sub-grid looks for Meeting Activities that are associated with a Meeting. You can also edit or create new Activities.

Classes - This sub-grid looks for Classes that are associated with a Meeting. You can also edit or create new Classes.

5.2. Registrations

  • Current Registrations - Keeps a running tally of Attendees registered for the Meeting. This field automatically updates as Registrations are created and updated.
  • Current Companion Registrations - Keeps a running tally of Companions registered for the Meeting. This field automatically updates as Registrations are created and updated.
  • Current Waitlist Registrations - Keeps a running tally of how many people are on the Waitlist for the Meeting. This field automatically updates as Registrations are created and updated.

5.2.1. Sub-Grids on Registrations

Registrations - This sub-grid looks up Attendee Registrations associated with a Meeting. You can also edit or create new Registrations.

Waitlist - This sub-grid looks up Waitlist Registrations associated with a Meeting. You can also edit or create new Waitlist Registrations.