This new experience allows portal users to register for a meeting, class, etc with a single transaction. Instead of completing individual, straight-line processes, contacts can now add items to their cart and pay for these items using the streamlined check-out experience. The order is associated with a cart entity using a N:1 relationship.
When a contact adds an item to their cart, the order and related wizard item (meeting registration, class registration, etc) is created, but is not submitted. Once an item is in the cart, a contact can edit that item or remove the item.
The item and related order exist in CRM in this working state until one of three things happen:
- The contact pays for the item. This will submit both the wizard item and the order.
- The contact manually removes the item from their cart. This will roll back both the order and the wizard item.
- The contact logs into the portal and they are no longer eligible for an item in their cart that they previously added. This will invoke the same roll back functionality as manually removing the item from the cart.
To turn on Universal Cart in your system, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Settings record in the CRM
- Click into related and navigate to Integration Services
- Click into the Application (Cobalt.Applications.CamsCcms.Shared) Service Configuration
4. Verify the following Service Configuration Property record exists:
- Name: UniversalCheckoutEnabled
- Type: Boolean
- Value: True
- Purpose: This configuration property controls whether the universal checkout/universal shopping cart is enabled on the portal.
5. To turn on Universal Cart, ensure that the Value is set to True. To turn it off, set the Value to False.
When Universal Cart is enabled, the user will see the following on the portal when applying for a Membership. Notice how the Membership Application can be checked out together with other items in the cart:
When Universal Cart is disabled, the user will see the following on the portal when applying for a Membership. Notice how the Membership Application requires the user to “Submit application & Pay Now” instead of adding to a cart:
Additional Universal Cart setup
Please verify the following Service Configuration Property records are setup. If not, please create them:
Name: MembershipUpsellMessage (MEMBERSHIP ONLY)
- Type: String
- Value: Save by <a href="/Sales/Catalog/Payment/MembershipUpsell.aspx">signing up</a> for a membership today!
- Purpose: This message appears on the universal cart page if the current user has the default price list. Please note we created the upsell page to use the same display logic as the membership tile on the portal homepage, but you can also direct someone directly to a specific membership type.
Name: CartAnchor
- Type: String
- Value: <a href='{0}'><i class='header-cart'></i>View Cart ({1})</a>
- Purpose: This controls the display of the cart navigation on the portal.
Name: CartMemberSavingsMessage (MEMBERSHIP ONLY)
- Type: String
- Value: Your total savings is <strong>{0}</strong>!
- Purpose: This controls the display of the member savings alert displayed on the cart page.
Name: UpdateCartLabel
- Type: String
- Value: Update Cart
- Purpose: This controls the text that is on the button that appears on the final page before you are taken to the cart when you are updating an item that is already in your cart.