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Customized Email Fields on an Email Template (Advanced)

As with most CRM features, e-mail templates can be built to dynamically pull information for a specific contact or account. The following article details the notation you can use to do this, which will result in more personalized communication with your customers.

E-mail Placeholders

The general format is:

{email:(field on the email):(relationship schema):(relationship schema):(attribute or relationship schema)}


If you are specifying a 1:N or N:N relationship that can result in multiple values, a default separator is used (a comma with a space). If you want to override the separator, you can specify that in parenthesis immediately after the relationship’s schema name:




Desired data: Field on the recipient

Format: {email:to:lastname}

Result: Smith


Desired data: Field on the regarding object (meeting name)

Format: {email:regardingobjectid:cobalt_name}

Result: Association 2012 Midyear Conference


Desired data: Field on a related entity

Format: {email:to:cobalt_address1_stateprovinceid:cobalt_abbreviation}

Result: VA


Desired data: Multiple steps to a single field:

Format: {email:to:cobalt_address1_stateprovinceid:cobalt_countryid:cobalt_isoalpha3code}

Result: USA


Desired data: List of data related to the recipient with the default separator (all orders for the contact)

Format: {email:to:order_customer_contacts}

Result: Order1Name, Order2Name, Order3Name


Desired data: List of data related to the recipient with specified separator (all orders for the contact)

Format: {email:to:order_customer_contacts(<br/>)}






List of the names of people CCd in the email (with a semicolon seperator:

Format: {email:cc(; ):fullname}

Result: Inman, Russ; Capistran, Chris; Rossi, Peter

**NOTE: If there is any HTML formatting in the placeholder, the placeholder will not work, so to make sure that there is no HTML formatting copy the placeholder into notepad or write it directly in notepad and then paste it into the email.