Stand Alone Forms will create a form response related to the entity selected in the form designer.
If the customer is logged in question responses can be mapped to entities like the contact. Please note that these forms should only be used for logged-in Contacts. Currently form responses submitted by non-logged in Contacts will be cleared.
This is useful for gathering ad-hoc data outside of an existing process (such as in a Membership Application). If you are looking for more of a custom application you will be better served by Web Element Types.
In order to report on the form responses, users should create a personal view for the "Form Question Responses" where the related Form is set to the desired record.
The steps below will detail how to create a stand-alone form. Steps 1-7 can also be done directly in the portal's Web Element Designer, if so desired.
2. Create a New Form with a title and Save
3. Launch the Designer in the Tool Bar
6. Add a Summary Page
6.1. Click New Page
6.2. Click Edit Page
6.3. Select Summary Page for Page Type
Page Name - Editable and internal
Page Type - Drop down select Question Page, Summary Page, or Text page
Page Title - Editable and will display as a heading page text on the page on the portal
Page Instructions - Editable and will appear as page text on the portal
7. Set up a Text Page as a Receipt
7.1. Click New Page
7.2. Click Edit Page
8. Using the Web Element Designer you can create the URL and embed this into your website.
9. If you are not using the Web Element Designer you can contact support to create a custom portal tab for your standard site.
If people are not logged in the form responses will be created but not linked to existing records. Staff will want to look for unrelated form responses periodically. If the related entity is Contact you may encounter blank contact records.
**You must include all 3 page types for stand alone forms to work properly.
The suggested order to create pages is:
1. Question page (note: if you want to include an initial landing page for users to read before starting, then a text page can precede this)
2. Summary page (this should be included after question pages, to serve as a summary of responses).
3. Text page (this should be used as the success/confirmation/thank you page. Please note that without a text page following the summary page, users will NOT see a "continue" button to submit their form.