The first and most critical step in setting up the membership module to meet your organization's needs is dues configuration. Dues drive all aspects of memberships and it is essential that you both understand the components and set them up correctly based on your business rules.
There are six steps in setting up Dues:
- Create a Dues Cycle
- Create a Master Query
- Create a Dues Schedule
- Create a Dues Schedule Query
- Create a Dues Option
- Create Dues Products
As you complete these steps you will assign pricing to dues, late fees, new member fees, and other items.
Step 1: Create a Dues Cycle
Dues Cycles are the top level of the Dues structure. The cycle defines the duration of your dues and can be based on any period of time or time interval.
1. To navigate to the Dues Cycle, click on the Membership module, then Dues Cycle.
To begin creating a new Dues Cycle, click "New" in the ribbon toolbar.
Fill in the required fields:
- Name - Name your Dues Cycle (in most cases, we suggest using the year).
- Association - set the Association. Note that if you manage more than one Association, you will create a different Dues Cycle for each Association.
- Default - Set the Default to yes or no. (Note that the system can only have one default Dues Cycle).
- Duration Type - set the Duration Type using the dropdown menu next to Duration Type. You may select either Termed or Dated. Enter either the Begin/End Date or the Term Period.
Once all required fields are filled in, click Save.
Step 2: Create a Master Query
Master Query
The Master Query tied to the dues cycle defines all of the memberships that will be included in the cycle. This query allows you to separate memberships into multiple cycles. For example, if you have yearly membership dues and quarterly fees, you can create separate cycles to handle each independently. To setup or edit the master query.
To edit the Master Query, Navigate to your Dues Cycle. Click on more Commands (...), then Master Query.
The Master Query Advanced Find will launch in a new tab. Click Details, if it is not already selected. From this window, you can add criteria starting from the membership record to limit which memberships will be included in this cycle. Once your criteria is complete, click Save.