Before you will be able to generate dues, you must have the following set up:
- A Dues Cycle (and the Master Query)
- Dues Schedules for each type of member you have (and Dues Schedule Queries)
- Dues Option(s) (at least one within each Dues Schedule)
- Dues Products (within each Dues Option)
- *(For Cobalt 3.11+) Ensure the "Generate Dues Batch Workflow" look up field on the settings record is set. This was added for visibility purposes due to is causing issues with online clients.

1. Start on the Dues Cycle
Navigate to Membership > Dues Cycle, and open the Dues Cycle for which you wish to generate dues.

Click on the Generate Dues Wizard in the ribbon tool bar under the More Commands Button
2. Generate Dues Wizard
As soon as the wizard opens, it will run through a series of checks to make sure that:
- Every membership defined by the Master Query meets the criteria for one, and only one, Dues Schedule.
- Each Dues Schedule has a default Dues Option.
- Each Dues Option has Dues Products.
- All members defined by the Dues Schedule Query are eligible for membership renewal.

If the data in your system meets all of the checks, you will see "Passed" in the Result column. Click the Continue button and then click the Generate Dues button.
The wizard will:
- Create a pending Dues Item for each membership that falls into that Dues Cycle
- Create an order for the Dues Products connected to the Dues Item.
- Calculate dues prorations if the Pricing Strategy on the Dues Product is Tabular, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly.
If there is a Result that has "Failed" click here to learn more.