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Field Security Profiles

CRM allows you to set field security to limit permissions on individual fields in CRM. Note that for users of 2015+ you can enable field security on any field. For those with older versions (2011, 2013 etc) you can only set field security on your custom fields, the option is not available for CRM fields. Field security allows you to set, read, update, and create permissions for users on the fields. So for example if you have a numeric id for contacts that should only be set by administrators but viewable by staff, you can set an administrator field permission that allows create, update and read permissions. The staff permission could be limited to read only. The steps below show you how to enable a field for security and how to create a field security profile.

Enable the Field for Field Security

In your Unmanaged Solution or in Customizations navigate to the entity and select the field record

On the field record select Enable on the Field Security toggle

Save your update and Publish the customizations

Create a Field Security Profile

Click New and give your profile a name and save

Click New and give your profile a name and save

Add Teams or Users to the Group

Add Teams or Users to the Group

Update Field Permissions

Note that only fields with Field Security Enabled will show up in the list. If you don't see the field you need go back to step one to enable this. All permissions will be set to No by default.

Test with different users to confirm the security permissions are working as expected

Potential Issues

Cobalt does have custom code on some fields that may override the standard Field Security Profile functionality.

System Administrators have full access to all secured fields and that cannot be altered. So this will only work for users who have a security role other than system administrator.

Users without the field security profile may have issues updating or creating records if information is required or included for the secured field. A permissions error will be thrown. This is something to think about when creating workflows to update secure fields, for example.