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Manually Create a Continuing Certification Application

2. Click + Add new Continuing Certification Application

3. Complete the Required Fields and the Certification Fee if applicable.

  • Name -- This required, but locked! No worries, the system will automatically generate the name when you save the record.
  • Application Type -- Specify the continuing certification application type.
  • Contact - This should be automatically populated for you as a look up to the contact record this application is for.
  • Form Response - This looks up to a completed question response, these are usually completed on the portal and are not applicable to all application types. Without specific instruction this should be left blank on a manual application.
  • Certification - It sounds strange but you should also leave this field blank. The system looks up the certification record when the application is completed so filling this in from the start can stop the automatic processes from working as expected.
  • Certification Fee - If you are charging a fee for continuing certification you can lookup to the product here. If you leave this blank a $0.00 order will be created and fulfilled when the application is submitted.
  • Date Submitted - No need to manually enter the date. It will populate when you run the submit workflow.
  • Flagged for Audit - The is a locked field and will remain in the default "No" unless you have an auditing requirement and this application is randomly selected when you submit the application. If it is selected that value will change to yes.  

4. Save the Application

Note that the name field will populate with the contact's name and Continuing Certification Application Type.

5. Run the Submit workflow to submit the application and generate application requirements.

This may take a few moments. You can check the progress from the application record to "Background Processes". You will need to refresh the screen once the workflow completes to see the status reason change. Then from the application you can navigate to the requirements.