Currently, there is no Initial Certification Wizard in CRM that staff can use on the back-end to create an Initial Certification Application. Therefore, the Initial Certification Application record must be created manually.
Note: If staff prefer to use a more automated system, impersonate a Contact, and then apply for initial certification through the portal.
To manually submit an initial certification application:
2. Click +New Initial Certification Application.
3. Select the Initial Certification Fee and Application Type.
Note: A fee is not a required field. If you choose to not select a fee, it will create a zero dollar order, which will be fulfilled upon running the Submit workflow.
4. Click Save.
5. Run the Submit workflow to submit the application.
This will create the associated requirement records.
6. Enter a value for Date Submitted and Terms Accepted as necessary.
Note: Unlike when the Initial Certification Application record is submitted through the portal, these two fields will not autopopulate when the record is created manually.