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Test: Entity Definition

The Test record is used on the back-end in CRM. It impacts how the fields will be auto-populated on the Exam record and Test Application record, which are both specific to a Contact's Certification Application.

The purpose of the Test record is it is the place where the fee to take the certification exam is set. 

Navigating to the entity:

  • Certification Module > Certification Types > Open a Certification Type > Open an Initial Certification Application Type > Open the Initial Certification Requirement that has Mode set to Exam > Open the Exam Type > Related > Tests

Note: Below are the fields that are included in the Cobalt product. Depending on the version of code and any customization, the CRM may display somewhat differently.


  • Name - A unique name identifying the Test
  • Test Code - An additional test code identifier if applicable
  • Order Source - This field determines the order source if applicable. If none is set, the system will use the application order source specified on the Settings record. -Typically, the Initial Certification Application order source is used for Initial Certification Applications and the Continuing Certification Application order source is used for Continuing Certification Applications.


A sub-grid with links to the Test Fee records will display.