Your system allows you to set a product on the settings entity if your organization charges a fee for Bounced Check and/or for Credit Card Charge Backs. Below are the steps to set up your system to show these options and to use them in the Payment Wizard. If no fee is charged you can simply use the cancel payment options in the payment wizard and type the reason in the Cancellation reason field.
Set a Product on the Settings Entity
The settings entity can be accessed by navigating to Cobalt Admin > Settings and open the record. The exact location of the fields may vary but you should see a section called fees on at least one of the settings forms. The dashes show where you would click to look up to the product you want to use.
Open the Payment wizard from the payment you want to update
Select the cancellation option in the wizard.
If the payment is applied note that it may read I want to unapply and cancel this payment.
For a bounced check you will then select the fee if you choose to charge it and type Bounced Check as the cancellation reason.
*If the payment was applied to an invoice you will have the option to cancel the invoice or leave it active.
For Credit Card Charge Back you you will then select the fee if you choose to charge it and type Credit Card Charge back as the cancellation reason.
The order will be generated for the contact for the fee.
If no fee exists on the settings entity, you will not see the option to add anything.
So if you do not charge a fee for bounced checks or credit card charge backs you can simply cancel the payment in the wizard and update the reason for canceling accordingly.