Sections in this category

Invoice Distribution

Invoice Distributions track how much of a payment or credit is allocated to an individual line item. This granularity allows for partial refunds against individual line items.

Invoice Distribution Fields

  • Invoice: This field links to the Invoice related to this distribution.
  • Distribution Type:
    • Line Item - This type shows that the distribution is linked to an invoice product.
    • Shipping - This type shows that the distribution is linked to the shipping charge on an invoice.
    • Discount - This type shows that the distribution is linked to a discount amount on the invoice.
    • Write Off - This type shows that the distribution amount has been written off.
  • Amount: The amount of the distribution
  • Invoice Payment: This field links to the Invoice Payment record, which links the Distribution to the Payment record.
  • Invoice Credit: This field links to the Invoice Credit record, which links the Distribution to the Credit record.