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Generating Tax on Manual Orders

Tax is generated based on the customer's zip code. If you are creating an Order with taxable products, you will need to make sure the zip code is correct on the shipping address. This is what allows the system to populate the "Tax Postal Code" on the Order.

The following steps are how to generate tax on manually-created active Orders. If you want to edit a fulfilled Order, you will first need to unapply payment - this will activate the record so you can make changes.

2. Create a new Order, or select an existing one to edit.

3. Give the Order a name, if it does not have one already.

4. Fill in the "Ship To Zip/Postal Code" field for the shipping address. The Tax Postal Code will automatically populate once you save.

5. If this is a new Order, add the Products via the +Add Product on the Product subgrid.

If this is a NEW ORDER: Tax will be calculated as you continue to add and edit the Products.

If this is an EXISTING ORDER: the Tax will automatically be updated once you have set the Postal Code.