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Edit Order Products on an Existing Order

After an Order is generated, you may find that you need to edit the price or quantity of the products before processing payment. To do this properly, you will need to edit the Order Products on the Order record. This will then update the Order and the Invoice records to match.

If you update the Product anywhere else, you may have issues applying payment or getting the changes to stick.

1. On the Order record, open the Product you wish to modify

Double click a blank space on the record to open quickly. The arrows show good places to do this.

2. To change the PRICE of the item:

There may be times when you may want to simply change the price of an item for a specific Order. Follow the below steps to override the product price for this Order only, without changing the price for anyone else.

2.1. Switch the toggle under Pricing to Override Price and Change the Price Per Unit amount

If the Pricing field is set to "Default", you will not be able to change the value for Price per Unit. You must select "Override Price" before changing the amount as needed.

3. To change the QUANTITY of the item:

You may want to change the number of items that are on the Order, for example if a customer ordered 1 item but meant to order 3 items.

3.1. Change the value on the Quantity field

You do not need to select "Override Price" unless you want to also use a modified price per unit. The "Amount" field will automatically calculate using the values set for "Price Per Unit" and "Quantity".

4. Add a manual discount.

You can also use the Default pricing, but show the Customer they are receiving a discount by putting in a Manual Discount value. This will reduce the total amount of the Order.

For example, if you are running a "Buy 2 Get 1 Free" discount, you can use the Manual Discount field to remove the price of the 3rd item from the total.

5. Click Save to see your changes reflected on the Order Product record. Save & Close to return to the order.

6. The Order will automatically recalculate and the Total Amount will reflect the changes made to the Product.

*Note: The "Discount" fields on the Order reflect any discounts on the Order as a whole. These fields will not update to reflect any manual discounts set on an individual Product. Utilize the Products subgrid to identify the price per unit or any discounts given for a Product.