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How to Create Continuing Certification Application Types

Certification Types have two application types associated with them: Initial (First time certifications) and Continuing (Renewing existing certifications). To set up a continuing certification application type:

1. Navigate to the certification type in question (Cobalt Certification > Setup > Certification Types)

2. Once you've opened the certification type, select continuing certification application types under common

3. Click Add New Continuing Certification Application type, which will open up a blank Continuing Certification Application Type

4. Fill out the required fields on the form (marked by a red asterisk (*)) and hit Save

  • Name: The unique name for the Certification Application Type (any certification type can have more than one)
  • Application Form - Allows you to lookup to or create a form where you can create specific questions for applicants to answer as part of their application.
  • Order Source - A lookup to an order source if you have one specifically for applications.
  • Certification Type - A lookup to the certification type this application will be for.
  • Terms - Here you can specify the text shows up on the Terms and Conditions page on the portal.


  • Duration Type - Select Dated or Termed depending on your business practices.
  • Duration Term Length - If you selected Termed then set the numeric length of your term for example 3.
  • Duration Term Units - If you selected Termed then set the unit of time, days, weeks, months or years.
  • Duration Day - If you selected Dated select the day the certification will expire.
  • Duration Month - If you selected Dated select the month the certification will expire.
  • Duration Years - If you selected Dated select the year the certification will expire.
  • Degrees Required - If the applicant will be required to have a degree for this application type switch the toggle to Yes. If not keep it defaulted to No.
  • CEU's Required - If the applicant will be required to submit Continuing Education Activities as part of the application set the toggle to Yes. If not keep it defaulted to No.