In our article on Creating a Custom field, one of the field types you an choose is Option set. When you select this type you will need to specify what values can be selected as options in that field. This article will address adding or removing options from that list.
*Note that while CRM allows you this capability, some fields may be linked to the portal and depending on the way it is coded, updates may or may not appear there. Not a problem if you are creating a new field, but if you are looking to update an existing one, you will want to be aware of any code, portal, processes, or links to other records that may look to the field.
An example would by Credit Card Type. By default your system allows for Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express. If your organization does not accept one of these cards you can remove it from the option set and it will remove it from your payment wizards in both CRM and the portal. However, adding a new card type would require that the integration with your payment processor is set up to accept that new credit card type and could require updates to code. If you aren't sure of the impact, ask Support and we can let you know if the updates to the field require any additional steps.
Click Fields in the list under the entity
When the fields list loads open the field record you wish to update
In the Options Box select the green + to add a new value or the Red X to remove one. The arrows will allow you to move the order of the values.
If adding a new value you must complete the Label field (which will determine what appears in your drop down)
By default it will be named Item, but you can adjust this to whatever you choose. This can also be renamed in future if an existing option name has changed.
Note that a numeric value will also be auto populated. Unless you have a reason you can leave this to whatever the system selects. This is only used if you are doing mapping so that each option has it's own unique numeric value rather than relying on different names for everything.
Click Save and Close
In the top left of the solutions screen click Publish Customizations.
Once published you should see the changes in CRM. If the changes are also updating the portal, it could take a little longer.