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Create a New Report

CRM comes with reports and Cobalt also provides a number of report options. 2016 CRM users have the option to create reports in the traditional way, or to pull data into Word or Excel templates. This article will go through the steps of creating a report.

Create and Adavanced Find for Reports/Navigate from Sales to Reports

Your system may not have the navigation to the reports entity, so and Advanced Find may be the most efficient way to locate and create reports if you are unable to use the menu tile navigation.

Click + New or New Report

Select Report Type

  • Report Wizard Report - This will allow you to generate a report using the CRM report wizard. Click the Report Wizard button to begin.
  • Existing File - This will allow you to attach an .rdl file you have created or that has been provided to you. Click Browse to locate and upload the file.
  • Link to Webpage - This will allow you to link to a specific URL. In the Webpage URL field specify the address.
Select Report Type

Name the Report and Give a Description if Desired.

  • Name is a required field and will be a unique name for the report record.
  • Description is an optional field that allows you to provide some additional detail that appears in the report views.
Name the Report and Give a Description if Desired.

Parent Report

This field is only useful if you are dealing with sub-reports and is generally display only as end users are not typically creating those types of reporting records.


Selecting a category for sorting purposes has no system impact and if it doesn't help you can ignore this field. Your options are

  • Administration Reports
  • Marketing Reports
  • Sales Reports
  • Service Reports

Display In

  • Reports Area - The report will be in your Reports list in advanced find or the reports view
  • Forms for related record types - This will allow you to select the report from the Run Report menu option on a form for the entity selected above
  • Lists for related record types - This will allow you to select the report from the Run Report menu option when looking at a view/list of records related to the entity listed above.

You can select all 3

Display In

Click Save

Try running the report to make sure it works as expected.