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Map Form Responses to Fields

Cobalt's Question Mappings functionality allows you to store information from a Form on another record. For example, you may want to ask for a customer's dietary restrictions as part of a meeting registration and keep that information on the contact record for future use. Add a New Question Mapping

  1. Use the Menu Tiles to navigate from Cobalt Admin > Forms. 
  2. Open the form containing the question you'd like to map or create a new form. For instructions on form creation, click here.
  3. Open the question you'd like to map and in the menu tiles related to the question select Question Mappings.
  4. Click Add New Question Mapping.
  5. Fill out the fields in the form. Those marked with a red asterisk (*) are required; fields marked with a plus sign (+) are recommended.

Note: The Type field can be set to From or To. If set to From: the form will pull information FROM the field specified when the form response is generated. If set to To: once the form response is completed, the system will push the answer to this question TO the field specified in the question mapping. While there can be only one FROM question mapping, there can be multiple TO question mappings.

Use the Launch Mapping Wizard

The Launch Mapping Wizard will lay out the path from the question you are mapping to the field where data should be pulled from or pushed to. 

  1. Click Save. A Warning message will pop up.


2. Click Ok. In the ribbon, click Launch Mapping.

3. For FROM question mappings: Select the entity from which you would like data to be pulled. For TO question mappings: Select the entity to which you     would like to push data. Another field will appear once you have made your selection.

4. Select the field from which you would like to pull or push data.

5. Click Save.

Note: Sometimes the data you are trying to pull or push will exist on a record that is several relationships away from the form response with which you are starting. For example, as part of a meeting registration form, you may wish to ask a contact to update his/her job title. The TO path would go from the meeting registration entity to the contact entity to the field on that contact record. In this case, a third field will appear. Fields will continue to appear until you complete the path of the data. 

Mapping to Dropdown Fields

The Answer form has a field titled Value. When you create a dropdown Field on a form to which you would like to push data, the options for that dropdown list also have values. In order to map correctly, each value in the dropdown must have an Answer, and the value fields must match.