As in prior versions you have the top toolbar with some dynamic and some static options that remain available as you navigate through the system
- The grid on the far left is available to online users to give you access to your other Office 365 applications.
- The arrow next to Dynamics 365 will give you access to specific D365 applications. For more details on applications click here.
- The Sales and Dashboards labels are dynamic and act as breadcrumbs to show you what section of the system you are in and the relationships between records as you navigate through the system.
Clicking the arrow next to Sales gives you access to different Categories and the main entities under them. These are configurable and can appear differently to users depending on their security access. If you go to a different category, let's say membership, then the Sales label will change to Membership and you'll see the membership options expand.
Clicking the arrow next to Dashboards will provide you the list of most recently accessed records. This works in a similar way for other record types and can be a fast way to find recent contact, orders, etc.
Note that when you select a record an additional title is added to the toolbar and you will have access to additional relationships or recent records as you go further into the system.
On the right side of the permanent toolbar you have your static options that will remain the same regardless of where you are in the system.
- Global Search - You can use this to quickly search records in the system. The entities returned and the fields searched are customizable for the organization.
- Recent Records - You have a a few ways to view recent records and views, but this is the fastest. You can pin records you need to keep them always at the top of your list.
- Quick Create - D365 records can be created with a minimal form and then access later for further addition of details without having to navigate around the system.
- Advanced Find - Create a filtered query anytime from anywhere.
- Settings - Mostly used to set personal options and email templates by users but can have other value to system administrators.
- Help Center - link to your own help center or search Microsoft.
- Personalization -- Individual Image and Sign Out.