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Merging Records

There may be cases where you find duplicate contact or account records in the system. CRM makes it possible to merge two records at a time. When you merge the master record remains active and becomes associated with any records that belonged to the subordinate record. The subordinate record becomes inactive and loses its connection to related records. We'll discuss the steps in more detail below using Contacts as an example, but you can do the same steps for Accounts.

1. Find your records

1.2. In Advanced Find search for the records you want to Merge and Click Results

In Advanced Find search for the records you want to Merge and Click Results

2. Select the two records and click Merge in the top ribbon toolbar.

Select the two records and click Merge in the top ribbon toolbar.

3. Select the Master record. This is the record you want to remain Active.

Note that you can select data from the subordinate record to replace information on the master. So if you get an error message, try selecting the other record as the master and moving all the fields over.

4. Select fields with data that should be on the master record.

Select fields with data that should be on the master record.

This is only available for the contact or account fields for the merged records, but allows you to make sure information on your final record is correct. The selected field will be the one that appears on the master record at the end of the merge.

5. Click Ok.

Click Ok.

*Note you will have to do this twice as the system will want to confirm. The system will ask you if you are sure, especially if the records have different Parent Accounts or primary contact information. If you are certain you can proceed with the merge.

Once the merge is completed a pop up will let you know and you'll click OK a final time.