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View & Interact With Dashboards

A chart can be enlarged by clicking the “enlarge the chart” option in the dashboard menu in the upper right corner of the chart.

A chart can be enlarged by clicking the “enlarge the chart” option in the dashboard menu in the upper right corner of the chart.

This will expand the chart so it uses all of the available dashboard space and hides the other dashboard elements.

The tooltip feature can be used to view the details for a segment of a chart. The tooltip will show what data is displayed and give the user a count.

A chart component of a dashboard can be drilled into (filter data and focus on a particular segment of the records being used to build the whole chart).

A chart component of a dashboard can be drilled into (filter data and focus on a particular segment of the records being used to build the whole chart).
  • Click the enlarge icon to enlarge a chart
  • Select a segment to drill into
  • When the “select field” popup opens set the field and chart type and click the blue arrow
  • The new chart will show the data from the selected segment grouped by the selected field

All charts are built from views. A view of the records that make up a chart can be accessed and filtered.

  • Click the “View the records that are used to generate the chart” icon in the upper right corner of the chart
  • This will open the view that was used to build the chart
  • Click the Filter button in the ribbon toolbar
  • The filters on each column in the view will now be enabled
  • Click the filter for a column, set the filter, and click OK
  • Click the Refresh Chart button 

Lists in dashboards maintain all the functionality of CRM views

  • Quick Find functionality: Users can use the quick find search for records functionality in a list to search based on all columns defined as find columns for the view. This feature can be enabled or disabled for the dashboard.
  • Sorting: Users can sort on one or more columns of a list
  • Filtering: When a list if selected in a dashboard the filter button in the ribbon toolbar will be enabled
  • View Options: User can change the view that the list is based on to another view for the same entity. This feature can be enabled or disabled for the dashboard.