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Editing an Existing Certification

Certification records often come with customizations for your organization, but like any other record they can be edited manually or activated/deactivated manually by staff if needed. This article will give you the default settings in the base Certification System.

Editing the Certification Start Date

The Start Date is based on the "Created On" date for the record in CRM. Code can be written so that the created on matches a specific action, such as exam passed or payment received, but by default it will be the date that the application is completed. Changing this date cannot be done in CRM and requires adjustments to the SQL server. Contact support for modification to this value.

Editing the Certification End Date

Usually you won't need to edit this as most systems don't have any automated actions related to the end date. This date is set based on the application type duration and the Created On date of the record. So if your duration type is a Termed 3 years, then the end date will show exactly 3 years from the Created on Date in this field. However to adjust the date you can manually edit it in the field.

Editing the Certification Expiration Date

This date adds any grace period to the end date. If no grace period is specified then the end date and expiration date will be the same. Deactivation of certification is usually based on this date. To manually adjust this date, simply change the date in the field.

Deactivate a Certification

You can do this on an individual Certification record by clicking deactivate in the toolbar. Or you can do an advanced find for certifications and perform the same action in bulk.

Activate a Certification

While you can manually activate an certification as easily as you can deactivate it, most organizations prefer to use the application process to make sure that people have fulfilled requirements before activating the record. If you have an existing inactive certification and successfully recertify then the application should activate and become associated with that application.