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Create Initial Certification Requirements

Initial Certification Requirements are linked to an initial certification application type. If you have a certain requirement like, check resume for all application types then you will have multiple initial certification requirements with that name so that each type has it's own version of the requirement. If requirements need to be completed in a specific order you can create prerequisites for any requirement so that one or more of the other requirements must be completed first.

Click +New to create a new requirement or open an existing record to edit it.

Complete Required Fields and any additional information.


  • Name - The unique name of the requirement.
  • Application Type - A  lookup to the application type for this requirement.
Mode - The mode is where you determine how this requirement will be completed. There are 6 available modes:
  • Manual - Manual requirements must be manually marked as completed by a staff user. These are good for items like identity verification or documentation review.
  • Query - Queried requirements allow you to query the system for other conditions to be met. For example, you could check to make sure that they've completed a specific course before approving their application.
  • Order Paid - This requirement will be completed when the order tied to the certification application is fulfilled/paid.
  • Command Text - This is an advanced requirement that allows you to enter T-SQL statements to define the condition(s) that must be met when the standard query requirement is not sufficient. These requirements should either be setup by Cobalt or a technical staff person with advanced knowledge of T-SQL statements.
  • Audit - This requirement mode specifies a staff member will need to manually review the application and complete the requirement but only for a percentage of applications set to be flagged randomly. If the application is not flagged for audit this will complete automatically.
  • Exam - This requirement will be completed when an exam linked to the application is passed.

AUDIT REQUIREMENT - If you Select Audit Mode you will want to complete the following fields. (If one of these fields is missing contact support to unlock it)

  • Audit Flag - Here you can designate which field is related to the Audit Flag so that those marked "No" will complete the requirement automatically. Note that if an application is flagged for audit, staff will need to complete audit tasks and then manually deactivate the requirement to complete it. Typically this is cobalt_flaggedforaudit (as seen in the screenshot) but if another field is the trigger you will need the schema, not just the display name.
  • Audit Requirement - If you have an Audit Mode then this field will be available for you to set the percentage of applications which will be flagged for audit.

Exam Requirement - If you have selected Exam Mode then the following fields will need to be updated.

  • Exam Type - A look up to an exam type that will be associated with this application type.
  • Automatically Generate Test Application - Toggle this to Yes if you want the system to create the Test app as soon as the Exam requirement is set to Pending. If you would prefer to manually create the test applications you can leave this defaulted to No.
  • Maximum Exam Attempts - Set the number of times an applicant can sit for the exam before this application requirement is marked as Failed which would require the applicant to submit a new application to try again. It must be at least 1.

Creating Prerequisite Requirements

We most often see the exam requirement with prerequisites, but you can place them on any requirement. If a requirement has prerequisites then it will be in a unique status "Waiting for Prerequisites" until the other requirements are met. So for example, if you have an audit requirement, an order paid requirement, and an exam requirement you don't want to send exam information to your testing vendor until you have completed the audit and received payment. So you can set up the Exam requirement to have these other two as prerequisites. The system will not allow any action to be taken on the Exam requirement before the other two are completed.

Click Add Existing Initial Certification Requirement

Click Add Existing Initial Certification Requirement

Make sure you look up to a requirement that already exists on the application type. You can't have a prerequisite requirement that the person will never meet because it's associated with a different application type.

What to expect when you change requirements.

If you add a new requirement it will be added for initial certification requirements created from that point on. Requirements are not retroactive. So if you create a new one it will not need to be met by people with a submitted application. If you find yourself needing to add a new requirement to all applications you can contact Cobalt Support to make the updates for you on the server. The same is true of removing a requirement.