Event Documents allow you to add links or plain text information to a class and the ability to determine when people can access the information.
- Document Name - A unique name to identify the document when linking it to Class (or meeting) records.
- Type - Designates at what point in the process this documents will be available.
- Pre-Event - Documents are available to anyone who can view the meeting/class details page.
- Attendees -Available to people who have registered for the class and the class end date is after the current date.
- Post-Event-Available to attendees once the event has passed so when the class end date is before the current date.
- URL - If the Display Behavior is to redirect customers to a link, then you can set the URL here.
- Description - If the Display Behavior is to show the description only you can set that information here.
- Sort Order - If there are multiple Event Documents, you can specify they order in which they are listed on the portal.
- Display Behavior - determines how customers will access and view this information.
- Document Name as Link - Name will include a link to the URL or attached notes
- Document Name as Plain Text - Name will be in plain text with a link to attachment below.
- Description Field Only - WYSIWYG display of what is in the description field so that you can embed information.
- From the Class Record navigate to Event Documents
- Click Add Existing
- In the lookup click +New
- Fill in required fields and Save (add a Note if needed)
- In Advanced find look for Event Documents
- Click Results
- Click Add New Event Document and fill in required fields. You must include a URL, a Note (downloadable document), or a description with embedded content.
- Save (and add Note if needed)
- In the navigation select Classes or Meetings and relate the existing class or meeting to this document