Navigate to Events -- Class Locations
Click +New in the ribbon toolbar
Fill out the fields in the Class Location form. Those marked with a red asterisk (*) are required
- Name -- Provide a name for the class location
- Street 1 -- Primary Street for the location address
- Street 2 -- Secondary Street if applicable for the location address
- City -- City for the location address
- State/Province -- A look up to the State/Province record
- Zip/Postal Code -- Code for the location address (validation may change based on country selected)
- Country -- Country for the class location
- Room -- Specific Room name or number for the class location
Click Save or Save & Close
Note that by default we include two subgrids to show related Classes and Related events. You can associate classes to this location through the subgrid but typically people add the location to the class record via the location field there.