Navigate to Events --- Classes
You can also create classes from the subgrid on the Course record
Select +New
Fill in the required fields marked by a red asterisk
- Course - A look up to the course associated with the class. If you started from the course this will populate automatically.
- Name - Single line of text field for the class name
- Class Begin Date - Date and Time the class will begin
- Class End Date - Date and Time the class will end
Fill in as many optional fields as you need
- Delivery Method - Option set selection for type of class delivery, online, classroom etc.
- Location - Look up to a class location record
- Form - Look up to a form which will allow for custom questions or pages as part of the registration process
- Meeting - Look up to a meeting if the class is being offered as part of a meeting
- Staff Contact - Look up to a user record if staff is responsible for the class
- Order Source - Look up to an order source to enforce specific process rules on the portal