Sections in this category

Tax Tables

If your organization sells taxable products, you can set up the tax tables in your system and set your products to charge the tax automatically. You can get to tax tables from a Product record or via the Cobalt eCommerce app.

1. From the Cobalt eCommerce App: Navigate to the Product Catalog header > Tax Tables.

2. Edit an existing tax table or create a new one by clicking +New.

Edit an existing tax table or create a new one by click +New

2.1. If you are creating a new tax table give it a name and Save.

If you are creating a new tax table give it a name and save.

3. From the Tax Table entity, create a new Tax Table Entry.

4. Fill Out Required Fields and Save.

Complete or edit the fields of the tax table entry and save.
  • Name -- Name of the Tax Table Entry
  • Tax Table - Should automatically populate for the tax table you started from.
  • General Ledger Account - If you have specific accounts for tax income you can select it here, or set the default account.
  • Tax Rate - The percentage of tax, usually available in an online search if you don't know for sure.
  • Postal Code - The postal code that should be used for reference when generating the tax.