This option allows you to unapply part of a payment and refund that amount while allowing other funds remain in the system in their current applied or unapplied state.
1. Open the Payment Wizard
Payment wizard details are located here.
2. Select the Invoice(s) that you will be unapplying and refunding from and select the refund method

A check refund will create a refund record linked to the payment record. You will have to run a workflow to deactivate this refund as processed once the check has been sent out.
A cash refund will create a refund record linked to the payment record. You will have to run a workflow to deactivate this refund as processed once the cash has been given to the customer.
Refund directly to Credit Card will send the request through your payment processor. The refund record will still be created and linked to the payment but will deactivate automatically if the refund processes successfully.
3. Click the details link on the confirmation page to select the amount to unapply

4. Select only the amount you wish to refund. The product that amount is distributed to will also show in the display
The product that amount is distributed to will also show in the display. If funds should remain with a product leave that box unchecked.
6. Confirm Information and Submit

Check to make sure the information is accurate. If it is click submit. If not you can click the Details link or the Back button to make changes.