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Exporting and Importing Power Automate Flows

Power Automate flows can be transferred between online environments by exporting them as packages. This is applicable to all environments for Dynamics 365 Online. 

To start, navigate to Power Automate from the App Launcher on the upper left-hand corner. 

Navigate to My Flows. Make sure that the correct environment is selected in the top right-hand corner. 

Select the flow you intend to export. Click the ellipses on its row to open a menu with more options. Select Export > Package (.zip).  

Fill in the name, environment, and description of your export and click Export. 

This will download the flow as a .zip file. You can then switch your environment to the environment you will import the package to. The option to import flows will be at the top of the screen. 

Upload the package. You can then name it however you would like. 

You also need to choose the connector for it. Most commonly this will be Dataverse. For Dataverse, confirm our admin account to allow the data connection. 

The flow will be off by default when imported, so make sure to turn it on.