2. Click +New Initial Certification Fee in the Initial Certification Fees sub-grid to create a new fee record.
3. Complete required fields and any additional information.
- Name - The name of the application fee
- Display Name - This is how the fee will appear on the portal.
- Initial Certification Application Type - A lookup to the Initial Certification Application Type for this fee
- Sort Order - If there are multiple fees associated with the Initial Certification Application Type, the numeric value in this field will determine the order that the fees display on the portal.
- Eligibility Start Date - This is the date the fee will begin displaying on the portal.
- Eligibility End Date - This will be the final date the fee will display on the portal.
- Product - This is the product that will be charged to contacts who fall under the query for this fee. If Products for the application fee are not yet setup in the system, click here for steps on how to create a Product.
4. Click Save.
**If the Initial Certification Fee should only be available to certain applicants, you will want to add a query. Continue with the next steps.
7. Click the Select hyperlink and add criteria so that only eligible applicants will fall into the query, and therefore, have access to the fee.

8. Click Save when you are done adding criteria.